The Trafalgar - Musings from the "edge of the deep."
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -CS Lewis-
Saturday, February 2, 2013
How will you watch the Super Bowl?
I've been thinking (thanks to my wife). Tomorrow is the biggest public sporting event in the United States. An event drawing over 100 million viewers around the country, and growing each year. An event where advertisers will pay $3.8 million for 30 seconds of your time. Super Bowl coverage will start at 4:00am on the West coast and viewers will undoubtedly watch and listen to hours of media leading up to and following this event.
Media floods us. We take it in even when we're not trying. Someone living in a city is estimated to see up to 5,000 advertisements per day. A New York times writer found "advertisers say the best way to reach time-pressed consumers is to try to catch their eye at literally every turn." Is it possible that our minds are affected, even rewired, by media and technology intake without even thinking about it?
Are you taking ownership for what you view...and how it affects you?
This week, the End It Movement unveiled a full page ad in USA Today. This movement is part of a growing effort to expose and eliminate slavery worldwide. This timing is not coincidental. This ad shows up in the Super Bowl preview weekend newspaper. This ad is dropped just before we engage in the biggest annual media explosion in our culture.
The Super Bowl is not just a football game. The Super Bowl is used by many as a manipulative tool with an enormous audience. The Super Bowl is Rome's Colosseum multiplied by 1,800 (111 million vs 60,000).
Sadly, the Super Bowl has become the single largest venue for sex trafficking in this country. In fact, eight people were arrested on Thursday as part of a human trafficking effort. Five precious lives of victims were rescued.
Related, the advertisements we watch will undoubtedly objectify human beings, mostly women, and we will pause to watch those commercials. We even celebrate them. CBS will air an overabundance of footage of the respective team's "cheerleaders." What are producers and advertisers attempting to sell?
The question(s) I've been asking myself and I now ask you:
How will you watch the Super Bowl? Will you allow it to manipulate you? Will you allow it to tell you how to think and what to buy? Will you celebrate the sexual objectification they think you crave? Will you forget the many whose dignity is ripped from them due to the event of a football game?
Maybe you won't even watch the Super Bowl? People have boycotted in the past. I would respect that.
But if you do, I challenge you to consider and critique the ways that this broadcast will try to manipulate you.
And, check out the End It Movement for ways to proactively stand up for the oppressed.
And, watch the video above. It challenged me to consider the ways I participate in a world that objectifies the very human beings I am committed to loving, honoring, and respecting.
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Swing of Things
This is the first day of the first "normal" week here at Whitworth for us. Kyle's folks, Mark and Cindi were here for a visit last week. We had a great time celebrating my birthday, refinishing furniture, eating at fave 3 restaurants, exploring local fruit farms (pumpkin doughnuts and apple cider!!!), attending Chapel, enjoying the gorgeous grounds at Manito Park, and taking a little day-trip to Sandpoint, ID. So great that they now know what our life looks like here. They approve of our guest room so come on up, y'all!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Ministry of Presence
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Well, Kyle and I have been here nearly six weeks already (hard to believe!). My Family drove out with us and helped us get moved in last month. Spokane is an interesting city. We have been telling people that the beauty and the weather remind us of Colorado and the pace and the (excuse the phrase) "hickness" of the residents reminds us of Indiana. Kyle's RA's came a couple days ago and it has already been such a joy to get to know them - they are a stellar group of people! The whole leadership team is now together and gearing up for the campus to be bustling again starting next week. I am so thankful that I get to be here and support Kyle in the work he is doing. Come visit us!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
"Is this going to be forever?"
I love this video: "David After Dentist." This poor seven year old kid is reeling from the effects of anesthesia after getting some work done on his teeth. The best part is (at 1:43) when David says, "Is this going to be forever?" He knows something is amiss - things are not as they should be. His Dad (with a knowing chuckle) assures him that the feelings he is experiencing are only temporary. I feel like David sometimes. The "medicine" of this world produces hopelessness and fear. It blurs our vision; causing us to not see things clearly. It leads me to question my Abba Father, "God, will this world be like this forever? Will I be like this forever?" And God, with a perfectly knowing smile responds, "No." The great thing about the video is that David believes his Dad but it doesn't keep him from letting out a sigh (at 1:55) of frustration. The renewing of all things is a process, but thank God, it is already in progress! In Revelation 21 we find the promise of this coming renewal, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.’ And He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Also He said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” God is moving in our midst. May we be faithful to join Him in what He is already doing.